SEMSA is a 501c organization for the educational benefit of its student members. Our members support our activities through annual dues, modest fees for special events, and through fundraising. Additional support is provided by local corporations and funding from generous organizations, trusts, and funds.
Minnwest Bank
We want to thank Minnwest Bank Rochester for donating $150.00 for the 2018 Gasshuku Workshop at Eagle Bluff.
Clean Water Land & Legacy Amendment
SEMSA activities, including Rochester Middle Schools Outreach Program (April 2019) and Gasshuku (November 2018), are made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Southeastern Minnesota Arts Council thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts & cultural heritage fund.
SEMSA also recognizes the generous support of the IBM Corporation through the IBM Community Grant Fund. IBM has awarded SEMSA a grant for the past several years -- the grants from 2016-18 were in support of the Gasshuku workshop and also in support of our recital programs.
Rochester Commercial Banks
The 2016 Improvisational Workshop and the 2018 Gasshuku were both supported by the Rochester Commercial Banks Association - Associated, Eastwood, Merchants, Minnwest, Premier, Sterling State, U.S. and Wells Fargo Banks.
Greater Rochester Arts and Cultural Trust
The 2016 Improvisational Workshop and the 2018 Gasshuku were made possible in part through funding from the Greater Rochester Arts and Cultural Trust.